The difference between charity and philanthropy is the distance of soul. . . . To be philanthropic is to give something, to be charitable is to give one’s own heart.” -Maya Angelou

The Women’s Giving Circle (WGC) is comprised of women who are passionate about their healthcare. We care about improving health outcomes for everyone in Prince George’s County and the surrounding area through collective philanthropy. Members support existing and future initiatives for women of all ages, at every stage of their life.
To inspire and empower women to fulfill their philanthropic potential by improving the quality of healthcare for women and families in our community.
To make a lasting impact through a legacy of collective giving by women and to shape the future of healthcare for women in Prince George’s County and the surrounding areas.

By becoming a member and a caring donor, you lift up an entire community of women.
-----> Join Today <-----

Improved outcomes for Women's Health in Prince George's County begin with You.
In September 2021 UM Capital Region Health Foundation is officially launching the first initiative of the Women's Giving Circle, the "1000 for $1000" Campaign.
As a member, you will be invited to a special unveiling in 2022 of the unique and inspiring Women's Giving Circle donor recognition wall in the Women's Health and Labor & Delivery Unit of UM Capital Region Medical Center.
For questions about our Women's Giving Circle and how to participate in our 1,000 for $1,000 Campaign, special events or to make your donation.
Contact: Tiffini Gillespie | tiffini.gilespie@umm.edu | P: 240-456-2934